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Terms and Conditions

1. Payment Terms:

A 50% deposit is required upon acceptance of this quote, with the remaining balance due upon completion of the project.

Late payments may be subject to a 5% late fee per month.


2. Validity of Quote:

This quote is valid for a period of 30 days from the date of issuance.


3. Scope of Work:

The quoted price includes CNC milling services for the specified material and design.

Any changes to the project scope, design, or materials may result in additional charges.


4. Additional Costs:

Any additional costs resulting from changes to the project scope will be communicated and must be approved by the

client in writing before implementation.


5. Project Timeline:

The estimated project completion date is [TBC]. Delays caused by the client, including late approvals or changes, may impact the timeline.


6. Intellectual Property:

Edencraft Creative retains the intellectual property rights to any custom designs we draft, toolpaths, or programming

work. The client is granted a license to use the final milled product.


7. Quality Assurance:

Edencraft Creative is committed to delivering high-quality milled products.

Any defects or issues must be reported within 10 days of project completion for resolution.


8. Termination Clause:

Either party may terminate the contract with written notice if the other party breaches its obligations.

Termination may result in penalties or refunds based on work completed and costs incurred up to the termination date.


9. Confidentiality:

Both parties agree to keep all project-related information confidential.

Exceptions include information already in the public domain or information required to be disclosed by law.


10. Insurance and Liability:

Edencraft Creative maintains comprehensive liability insurance. Liability is limited to the total project cost.


11. Force Majeure:

Neither party shall be held liable for delays or failures in performance due to events beyond their control.

The project timeline will be adjusted accordingly in the event of force majeure.


12. Dispute Resolution:

In the event of a dispute, the parties will first engage in good-faith negotiation.


13. Client Responsibilities:

The client is responsible for providing accurate specifications, timely feedback, and necessary approvals.

Delays caused by the client may impact the project timeline and cost.


14. Cancellation Policy:

In the event of project cancellation, Edencraft Creative retains the right to bill for work completed and costs incurred up to the cancellation date.

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